000009 神州一味噌しじみ汁12個入2パック(穴水町あゆみの里避難所へお届け)


2 packs of instant Miso soup 12 pieces pack to be delivered to Ayuminosato Shelter in Anamizu Town, Hosu District, Ishikawa Prefecture.


We will deliver 6 packs of 12 pieces Shinshu-ichi's Instant clam Miso Soup.


Ayumi no Sato Shelter is a nursing home that is now housing 11 families of evacuees who are using the lobby and other areas to live.


The products will be purchased at Nanami-ya, a liquor store in Anamizu Town.


Anamizu town is an area where many people were affected by the earthquake that occurred on January 1st, 2024, with many houses and other buildings destroyed.


Notice The item purchased on AidShop.org will not be delivered to the buyer's address. It will be delivered to the individuals affected, as specified in the product description. Delivery information of the item will be provided in the Blog.

注意 この商品は、購入者のもとへは届きません。AidShop.orgでの購入は「寄付」であり、商品説明にあるような被災者、または被災地の復興に関わる人のもとへ贈られます。商品の配送情報はブログで提供されます。

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