000029 お弁当(七尾市矢田郷地区コミュニティセンター避難所へお届け)



We are delivering this to everyone living at the evacuation center set up at the Yadago Community Center in Obe, Honfuchu-cho, Nanao City.
We will deliver 35 pieces.
The number of evacuees at the Yadago Community Center shelter temporarily decreased to 37, but 17 new evacuees joined from a nearby shelter that closed on June 15, 2024. As of June 23, 2024, a total of 54 people are taking refuge at the shelter.
Breakfast and dinner are provided by the city on weekdays, but there is no distribution for lunch or on weekends. Younger evacuees are able to go out during these times, but it is difficult for the elderly, and there are about 35 people who are often unable to go out and stay at the shelter for all three meals.


This is a bento box from Shufu-no-mise, a well-known caterer in Nanao City.
This restaurant is loved by the local community for its carefully selected ingredients and gentle taste.


Nanao City is an area where many people were affected by the earthquake that occurred on January 1st, 2024 with many houses and other buildings partially destroyed.

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