
- 「仮設団地に支援者拠点 NPOが穴水に設置 息長い支援へ」(中日新聞 2024年5月29日)
- 「ボランティアと被災者をつなぐ交流拠点がオープン 穴水の仮設団地に『ボラまち亭』駄菓子屋やおすそわけも」(東京新聞 2024年6月9日)
商品 Item: 000034 サントリー天然水 2L×6本入りケース(穴水町由比ケ丘団地・レスキューストックヤードへお届け)
支援者 Supporters: @seramuseum, Ms.MO, Mr.S, 復興応援企画NOW!?及川宮地様, @seramuseum, @Long_Room_, Ms.F, Mr.S, Mr.S
※お水のペットボトルは、支援募集掲載時は「サントリー天然水」として募集しましたが、猛暑によるメイカー在庫不足のため、代替として「アサヒ おいしい水 富士山のバナジウム天然水」に商品を変更してお届けしています。ご了承ください。
We delivered 50 cases of bottled water to the community space "Boramachi-tei," which is attached to the temporary housing complex "Yuigaoka-danchi" in Anamizu town, Hosu district, Ishikawa prefecture. This delivery was made by Lics Shitsumiya, located in Anamizu town, on September 14, 2024.
Yuigaoka-danchi is the largest temporary housing complex in Anamizu town(180 units) and was built on the town's public athletic field. The NPO "Rescue Stockyard" from Nagoya city, Aichi pref, has moved into the vacant administrative building of the athletic field and opened "Boramachi-tei," a community space for volunteers and residents that also serves as a food pantry.
In addition to beverages and food, Boramachi-tei has items such as diapers for young children, simple toys, and underwear for the elderly, which can be taken home free of charge.
We are so grateful for your support.
Thank you again for your kindness.