CNET Japanで紹介されました

CNET Japanで紹介されました

On March 24, 2012, the IT news site "CNET Japan" published an article about Fukkoichiba.
The article was titled "Supporting Both Victims and Industries: The Challenge of the EC Site 'Fukkoichiba'."

We are grateful for the support of our donors, which has allowed the website to continue to this day. We hope that more people will join us in supporting the market so that each person can contribute as little as possible.
To those who have known about Fukkoichiba since the beginning, and to those who have recently learned about it, we thank you for your continued support.

We are grateful for your support.

被災者も産業も同時に支援 - ECサイト「復興市場」の挑戦

2012年3月24日、IT情報サイト「CNET Japan」に復興市場のことが掲載されました。

