
- 「仮設団地に支援者拠点 NPOが穴水に設置 息長い支援へ」(中日新聞 2024年5月29日)
- 「ボランティアと被災者をつなぐ交流拠点がオープン 穴水の仮設団地に『ボラまち亭』駄菓子屋やおすそわけも」(東京新聞 2024年6月9日)
商品 Item: 000048 アクリル毛布(輪島市浦上第1団地へお届け)[共同購入]
支援者 Supporters: 上山晃民様, SHIN様, Mr.S
We delivered 34 blankets to the temporary housing complex "Yuigaoka Danchi" in Anamizumachi, Hosu district, Ishikawa prefecture.
"Wing Nakari" in Anamizumachi delivered the items on December 27, 2024 and sent a photo taken on that day they brought the packages there.
Please note that, at the time of posting, these items were scheduled to be delivered to the temporary housing complex "Urakami Daiichi Danchi" in Wajima city. However, due to changes in circumstances, we have changed the delivery destination. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Yuigaoka Danchi is the largest temporary housing complex in Anamizumachi (180 units), built on the town's athletic field. The NPO "Rescue Stockyard" from Nagoya city, Aichi prefecture, has moved into the vacant office building of the athletic field and opened a "VolaMachitei" which serves as a volunteer and resident exchange space and food pantry.
VolaMachitei offers free drinks, food, diapers for young children, small toys, underwear for the elderly, and other items. The blankets will also be placed in this location.
We are so grateful for your support.
Thank you again for your kindness.